9 Tips To Create a Dreamy Bedroom for a Great Night’s Rest!

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After a long, busy day, there’s no better feeling than the second your head hits the pillow. Many of us can often find it difficult to completely switch off; fortunately, there are many simple ways of creating the ultimate dreamy bedroom to ensure a good night’s rest, from decorative and comfort driven solutions to the more therapeutic. Read on to find out more!

1. Remove all Technology

Technology in the bedroom is infamously linked to a poor night’s sleep. Keeping a television on while trying to get to sleep can cause the brain to believe it needs to stay alert and awake, making it increasingly difficult to doze off. The same goes with mobile phones and tablets used in the bedroom: it may seem harmless to flick around online while in bed however, this too can cause issues with falling asleep as the body produces less melatonin (the hormone that controls your sleep cycle). Try to stop using your gadgets at least 30 minutes before bedtime to help you switch off and relax.

Keep technology out of the bedroom for an uninterrupted night’s rest. Featured: Toronto Queen Bedroom Package.

2. Use a Neutral Colour Scheme

Although I am a huge fan of colour in the home, the bedroom should be kept as soothing as possible. Colours can have a huge impact on your mood: do introduce pops of colour in your decor and accesories but always balance these out with more subtle hues. Click here to read more about how different colours can affect your mood.

Phase 2 woodford quilt cover set qb
This bedroom colour scheme features soft, warm greys to create a soothing atmosphere with small pops of colour introduced in the bedding and accessories. Featured: Phase 2 Woodford quilt cover set.

Using your wall paint to set the scene, avoid the use of cooler hues and instead focus on warmer toned colours that will help create a cozy atmosphere of warmth.

3. Include Soft Flooring

Although a completely carpeted bedroom may not be suitable for everyone (many of our clients avoid carpeting in the bedroom altogether due to allergies and cleaning issues, myself included!), small area rugs over a hard surface flooring may be much more suitable. Easier to maintain and keep clean, area rugs can be easily and cost effectively changed up or removed completely when seasons change from cool to hot while also providing a soft spot to land on when getting up out of bed.
Icelandic Sheepskin Area Rug | White
A soft, shaggy rug is the perfect addition to your bedroom for the cold Winter months! Featured: Icelandic Sheepskin Area Rug.

4. Aromatherapy

Never underestimate the power of aromatherapy! Add an ultrasonic aroma diffuser to your bedroom and experiment with your oil blends. Is snoring an issue? Try Eucalyptus oil or Marjoram for a bit of relief! Lavender is a classic bedtime essential oil, as is Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.

Milano Decor Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Diffuser with 3 Essential Oils Pack (Dark Wood)
Our aromatherapy diffuser has worked wonders in our bedroom! I genuinely do have a better night’s sleep using my favourite essential oils and I love the soft light it gives off – just enough to be able to see the space if you need to get up during the night. Featured: Milano Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Dissuser.

Fun Fact! I also keep Peppermint oil with me at all times; Dab on your temples for relief from migraines, massage into aching muscles or use as a cold sore treatment that will work faster than any other store bought cream! Peppermint oil is a fantastic multi-use essential oil!

5. Mood Lighting

Either keep your lights completely off or at least to a minimum at bedtime, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. Avoid using candles for obvious fire risk reasons; instead, use a dim night light for a soft glow. Many LED aromatherapy diffusers (see above!) come with a built in light, ranging from a simple low light or even a colour changing light that offers just enough brightness to be able to see your bedroom in case you need to get up during the night and offers a further layer of comfort and relaxation.
Acorn Table Lamp
A soft, warm light in the bedroom provides a cozy atmosphere. Do try to keep all lights off or at least to a minimum at bedtime for a better night’s rest. Featured: Acorn Table Lamp.

6. Blockout Curtains

There is nothing more annoying than those sharp rays of morning light that sneak in through the edge of the curtain! Aside from helping with keeping light out, blockout curtains will also assist in the room’s overall temperature, keeping it cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter – also great for the energy bills!
Blockout curtains or blinds will not only help keep youru bedroom dark while you get some shut eye, but will also assist in maintaining an ideal temperature in the space. Image Source.

7. Clean up Clutter

Clutter in the bedroom can also affect your sleep pattern. Keep your space as clean and clutter free as possible to create a harmonious atmosphere; the ultimate stress free environment. Arrange your bedroom as a space that is not only highly functional but comforting; include plenty of concealed storage options to keep the clutter at bay!
A stylish blanket box at the foot of your bed is a great storage solution and need not only be used for blankets! Featured: Halsey Solid Pine Timber Blanket Box.

8. Invest in a Quality Pillow & Mattress

A quality mattress and pillow will go a long way in helping your sleep cycle. Take the time to test out different styles and makes of mattresses and pillows in a bedding showroom. Think about the position you would usually fall asleep in as this will impact the type of pillow and mattress your body will feel most at ease with. For example, if you find yourself sleeping with your arm shoved underneath your pillow, you may need a higher and slightly firmer pillow to give you that extra height you need without having to sleep on your arm.

Silk Blend Pillow with Cotton Cover
Try out a few different pillows to find your perfect fit! Featured: Silk Blend Pillow with Cotton Cover.

9. Find your Ideal Sleep Temperature

Are you waking up throughout the night, tossing and turning? This may be due to an uncomfortable sleep temperature. Keep central heating off during the night and ensure your pyjamas are of a fabric that can “breathe”. Invest in a temperature regulating blanket and quality bed sheets: Wool or cotton quilts are an ideal solution. The natural fibres in wool or cotton quilts assist in regulating the body’s temperature, with wool also having the added bonus of absorbing moisture and helping you keep a comfortable sleep temperature.

Wool Washable Quilt
A wool quilt will help you maintain a healthy and comfortable sleep temperature. Try to keep your quilts light; a heavier quilt will not only be too warm but will also make it tricky to make the bed in the morning! Featured: Washable Wool Quilt.

Wishing all our readers a great night’s sleep!


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